<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: Run Reports
This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.
Use the reports tabs to access all functionalities and settings of a report.

Report Tabs
Click Go to all reports at the bottom of the page to open the overview list of all reports.
Run Now
On the Run Now tab, you can immediately run a report with the settings that you defined before.
When you set up or run a report, also keep in mind the remarks for reports.

Run Report on Demand
Report Period
Define the time span that the report covers:
- Current period: This week [date range]: Use monitoring data of the current period. The actual time span depends on the report period that you define in the report settings. It can be today, this week, this month, or this year.
- Previous period: Last week [date range]: Use monitoring data of the last period. The actual time span depends on the report period that you define in the report settings. It can be yesterday, last week, last month, or last year.
- Select a predefined date range: Use monitoring data of a predefined period other than the current or the previous period. Select from a list of date ranges below.
- Define a custom date range: Use monitoring data of a custom period. Set the start and end date below or choose from several quick range buttons.
Date Range
This setting is only visible if you select Select a predefined date range above. From the list, select a date range for which PRTG generates the report. The shown time spans depend on the available monitoring data and on the report period that you define in the report settings. It can be days, weeks, months, or years.
Start Date
This setting is only visible if you select Define a custom date range above. Set the start date of the time span for which PRTG generates the report. Use the date time picker to enter the date and time. Make sure that you define a valid period.
End Date
This setting is only visible if you select Define a custom date range above. Set the end date of the time span for which PRTG generates the report. Use the date time picker to enter the date and time. Make sure that you define a valid period.
Quick Range
This setting is only visible if you select Define a custom date range above. You can use several buttons to quickly set the start and end dates for the report. You can choose between Today, Yesterday, Last Week (Mo-Su), Last Week (Su-Sa), Last Month, 2 Months, 6 Months, and 12 Months.
PRTG sets the date range to the last matching period. It starts at 00:00 and ends at 00:00 of the following day.
Report Processing
File Format and Delivery
Define how you want to view the report:
- View report as HTML: Directly view the report in a new browser window or tab.
- Create and store PDF and data files: Create a .pdf file and, depending on the Data Files setting, create data files of the report and store it. You find the stored report files on the Stored Reports tab. You also receive a ToDo ticket. By default, PRTG sends out a notification email to administrators in this case.
- Create and store PDF and data files and send them by email: Create a .pdf file and, depending on the Data Files setting, create data files of the report, store the files, and send them via email to the email address that you define below. You can find the stored report files on the Stored Reports tab.
PRTG only generates .csv and .xml data files for report templates that include data tables.
To create .pdf files, make sure that the print spooler service runs on the PRTG core server system.
Some special characters, for example, 4-byte unicode characters, might not be displayed correctly in PDF reports. As a workaround, we recommend that you generate an HTML report and save it as a .pdf file.
If you generate reports with Internet Explorer 11, we recommend that you use one of the PDF options for optimal results.
Target Email Address
This setting is only visible if you select Create and store PDF and data files and send them by email above. Enter one or more valid email addresses to which PRTG sends the report. Use commas to separate email addresses.
PRTG sends an email to all recipients. All recipients appear in the To field of the email.
You can change the configuration for outgoing emails in the Notification Delivery settings.
File Compression
This setting is only visible if you select Create and store PDF and data files and send them by email above. Define if PRTG compresses the attached report files before it sends them:
- Send files without compression: PRTG sends the report files by email in their original size.
- Compress files in a .zip file: PRTG compresses the report files to a .zip file before they are sent by email.
Click Run Report to start the report generation. Depending on the number of selected sensors, this might take a while. If it takes a long time to generate HTML reports, consider using one of the PDF options.
Remarks for Reports
- Any sensor graph in your report only shows channels that you enable via the Show in graphs option in the channel settings.
- Reports show statistics for the uptime (the Up and Down states in percent) and for requests (Good and Failed in percent). PRTG rounds values between 5% and 95%, as well as 100% and 0%, to whole numbers without decimal places. Other values are shown with 3 decimal places.
- Because PRTG rounds values, the statistics in the report section Sensor Status History can differ from the values in the report section Uptime Stats by a few seconds.
- PRTG limits data reporting to 5 requests per minute.
- Reports cannot show uptime or downtime data for the Sensor Factory sensor.
- Create reports that include an appropriate amount of data. Reports might not work as expected if PRTG has to process too many sensors with short scanning intervals. Adjust your report size and the time span that the report covers, if necessary.
Stored Reports
On the Stored Reports tab, you can view all PDF reports and data files that you created and stored.
Click a name to open the report. PRTG stores reports until they are deleted according to the data purging settings of your PRTG configuration.
Other Tabs
For all other tabs, see section Report Settings.
Why is there missing data in historical data reports?
Creating a PDF report does not work. What can I do?