<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: System Information

You can access live data and live status data for system information using the PRTG API.

i_round_redAuthentication with user name and passhash (or user name and password) must always be included in each PRTG API request. See section Authentication for more information.

To retrieve system information using API calls, we recommend that you use the following order:

  1. Refresh the system information so that it is up to date, if necessary.
    For details, see Scan Now.
  2. Retrieve generic system information to ensure that the last scan (step 1) was successful and that there are no errors.
    For details, see Generic Data.
  3. Retrieve system information in the form of data tables.
    For details, see Data Tables.

i_round_blueSystem information API calls only support the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) output.

Scan Now

The following API calls to retrieve new information for a system information category. To refresh system information via the API, you need to provide

i_round_blueWe recommend that you only refresh system information if absolutely necessary because the refresh triggers a rescan of all system information tables.


Refresh process information


Refresh hardware information


i_round_bluesysinfochecknow only supports JSON output.

Supported Output Columns ("kind=" Parameter)

Column Name

Category (as displayed in the PRTG web interface)













Generic Data

The following API calls retrieve generic data about the system information category since the last scan, for example time stamps and if the last scan was successful. To retrieve this information via the PRTG API, you need to provide

  • the ID of a device (parameter id), and
  • a kind (system information category).






i_round_bluesysinfo only supports JSON output.

Data Tables

The following API calls retrieve all information from a system information category table. To retrieve this information via the PRTG API, you need to provide






i_round_blueData tables for system information only support JSON output.

Supported Output Columns ("columns=" Parameter)

You can use the following sysinfo-specific column names for the columns parameter (separated by comma, for example, columns=_key,_value).

i_square_cyanFor a list of all supported column names, see section Multiple Object Property or Status.

Column Name


Can Be Used for

_key, _value

Key value pair from the system table

sysinfo (category: system)

_displayname, _class, _caption

Display name, class, and caption from the system table

sysinfo (category: hardware)

_user, _domain

User and domain pair from the system table

sysinfo (category: loggedonusers)

_displayname, _creationdate, _processid

Display name, creation date, and process id from the system table

sysinfo (category: processes)

_displayname, _state, _startmode

Display name, state, and start mode from the system table

sysinfo (category: services)

_displayname, _version

Display name and version pair from the system table

sysinfo (category: software)


i_square_blueKNOWLEDGE BASE

How can I use the PRTG Application Programming Interface (API)?

Live Data